Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year! Here's to 2013!!

Last night we rung in the new year in a couple different ways. First we went out to see Django Unchained and that movie was awesome!! I wasn't a huge fan of Quentin Tarintino after seeing Inglorious Bastards but I think this time around was different! Of course there was lots of killing but I won't spoil the rest of it for those who haven't seen it yet! Mike, Dave, Jadzia and I then went to dinner at Yardhouse at Santana Row. Dave and Jadzia both got half yards and I had two margaritas. Mike only had one small beer because he was DD. It was a good time, we stayed there until about 9 and then we went over to Stephanie's house where she was having a party. At midnight we all ran out in front of the house screaming and there were sparklers and fireworks from other neighbors. It was kind of wild but awesome!! Today I am paying for it of course......thought I was feeling better but now my headache is back and have been having horrible heartburn. I'm not sure what we are doing today...we were planning on going to Santa Cruz to the beach and have dinner at Betty's Burgers but I'm not sure what is going on. It's 2:30 and we haven't left yet so we'll see what happens. I personally wouldn't mind sleeping on the couch for a little bit lol. Now, for new years resolutions.....I'm starting off the year by not partaking in any drinks that have aspertame in them. Right before we moved to Nashville I started not drinking diet coke but then substituted diet green tea which also has aspertame. The past two years my resolution has been to lose weight. This year I'm just going to try to focus on making healthier choices altogether. If I lose weight while doing so then great! I know I always complain about it but my weight doesn't really concern me right now. I've come to realize that my body is like this because it's supposed to be, I just have a lot more womanly curves than I used to. This year will be great I hope!

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