Saturday, September 14, 2013

Songwriters Series at Clos La Chance Winery

KRTY hosted a songwriters event at Clos La Chance Winery last night featuring Mallary Hope, Frankie Ballard and D. Vincent Williams! My mom came to visit from Illinois so she and Dave both were there with me! Mom and I shared a bottle of Merlot before the songwriters hit the stage and it was delicious! Went to this venue before in June and it was still so gorgeous! I love going to songwriters events like these because it's more than just the artist playing the songs, you get to hear stories behind them and it's so much fun! I was blown away by the amount of talent up there on that stage!

D. Vincent Williams is a pretty seasoned songwriter and to my surprise wrote many hits that I didn't know he wrote! He started off with a song that Ty Herndon cut back in the 90's. He also helped penned the hit song sung by James Otto called "Just got started loving you". He said he recently was recently signed by Southern Ground records so looking forward to hearing more of his music! He ended his round with a song that I am very familiar with that was sung by one of my favorite bands, Rascal Flatts! He told the story of how "I'm Movin' On" came together and was originally part of his "I hate Nashville" song.

Was so excited to see Mallary Hope!! She is one of my favorite singer/songwriters and was so happy to hear she was coming back to California to play a few shows near us! She just recently wrote a few new songs and shared them with us. My favorite was probably the first newer one she played called "Tequila and a broken heart"! Another new song she played called "Lose You" sounded phenomenal! I did take videos of both songs but right now I am boycotting youtube since I got a copyright strike on one of my videos....don't want to get my account shut down! I will share on here when I find another way but have shared them on my facebook page for now. Made them public so you can see! 
Mallary Hope singing Lose You-
Mallary Hope singing Tequila And A Broken Heart-

If the links don't work please let me know!! (You might have to copy and paste)

The night before Mallary was to play here in California, one of her close family friends was lost to breast cancer in Georgia. While she sang "She Gets My Life" the radio station passed around buckets for their breast cancer awareness walk. Mallary raised enough to come back in a few weeks to walk in the walk for breast cancer for her friend Courtney. May she rest in peace, cancer sucks :( 

Mallary and the KRTY program director Nate after finding how much they raised for breast cancer awareness!! (Photo Credit: Jenna)

Dave and I with Mallary :) 

Last but not least there's Frankie Ballard!! 

It hasn't been too long since we've seen him last but he always puts on a great show! I think most of the songs he played he also played when we saw him at the Santa Clara county fair. There was one that he played that I didn't even know that he wrote. He got a cut on one of Billy Currington's records called All Day Long! Frankie lent his hand playing guitar along with Mallary and D. Vincent most of the night too which I thought was pretty cool! There were a lot of funny moments thanks to Frankie, he always has a way to make us laugh! There were a lot of stories and jokes going on between the three onstage that I thought was hilarious! Couldn't have asked for a better show at Clos La Chance winery!! 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kristin, I was just checking a few of your posts and had a quick question about your blog. I was hoping you could email me back when you get the chance -emilywalsh688 (at) Thanks : )

